Acrylic Mediums: Pastes, Gele, etc.

Individual painting techniques with acrylic Mediums


In principle, all Schmincke acrylic colours can be used directly on appropriately prepared surfaces. However, with the help of special acrylic mediums, it is possible to change or optimise various properties of the paints for certain individual painting techniques. For example, there are media for thinning acrylic colours without loss of adhesion properties using the acrylic painting medium (50550) or for thickening with the acrylic thickener (50557). Others are used to increase or reduce their gloss and/or transparency (50552, 50553, 50558). To delay the drying of acrylic paints, there are special drying retarders (50556, 50559, 53025). And the acrylic painting gel special (50560) even gives acrylic paints an oil paint-like character.

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