Sustainability at Schmincke: Company

Responsible Care - Good Chemistry

For over 140 years, we have been crafting artists’ colours of the highest quality, proudly bearing the label “Made in Germany”. As a member of the Chemical Industry Association (VCI), we have been part of the voluntary initiative in the chemical industry called “Responsible Care” from the very beginning. This initiative advocates for responsible actions in the areas of environment, safety and health.

Responsible production of artists’ colours 

Ensuring the longevity and sustainability of our artists’ colours is crucial for preserving artworks for generations. As a responsible manufacturer we provide detailed information on the safe use of our materials and strive to minimise our ecological footprint in the colour production.

Raw Materials, hazardous substances, safety 

We source the raw materials for our artists’ colours from trusted manufacturers who, like us, believe in sustainability. We prefer to use linseed oil, safflower oil or sunflower oil from renewable sources. Our laboratory continually works on developing formulations without hazardous substances. If this is not possible for technical reasons we label products according to applicable chemical regulations to ensure the best possible safety. All safety data sheets are also available any time. This ensures that our production meets the highest standards in terms of technology, safety and environmental protection.

Wastewater, waste and recycling 

To ensure safe wastewater we installed a wastewater pretreatment plant already back in the 1980s. Through innovative production methods we also significantly reduce our water consumption. Waste reduction and recycling are a matter of course for us. We choose environmentally conscious packaging materials opt for sustainably sourced wood for our boxes and constantly explore new possibilities with our suppliers and packaging producers.

Energy sustainability matters 

A powerful photovoltaic system on our company roof has been covering approximately 70% of our electricity consumption since 2010. From 2018 to 2021 this resulted in a 93% reduction in CO2 emissions. To pass on our sustainable company philosophy to our employees and visitors we have been providing 15 charging stations for electric vehicles free of charge on our premises already for years. Additionally, through our in-house bike leasing program, we also promote environmentally friendly fitness for all participants.